Monday, April 30, 2012

A teacher friend of mine recently suggested that I try making plantable paper with my kids.  I loved the idea so I immediately started googling 'plantable paper' in hopes of finding a recipe.  Of course, several different recipes surfaced.  I chose the following one as I thought it was the most 'do able':

Surprisingly, I did not do any tweaking to this activity.  The kids were also the ones to tear the newspaper into strips.  They pushed the button on the blender, a great thrill for them, and strained the mixture with little help from me.  Once the paper dried, we used cookie cutters to make cute shapes from the paper.  The cookie cutters did not cut through the paper completely but there was enough of an outline to trim afterwards with scissors.  We are going to give the paper as Mothers' Day gifts this year.  Now, we just need to make the cards to go with the paper!

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